كورس أودوبي بريمير كامل للمبتدئين Adobe Premiere Pro: Ultimate Beginner Course Site
انا اعرف الشعور! في الأشهر القليلة الأولى ، واجهت نفس المشاكل التي واجهتها وشعرت أنني لن أفهمها أبدًا. بدا Premiere Pro معقدًا للغاية وكان منحنى التعلم مؤلمًا. بصفتي محرر فيديو العصاميين وبعد 4 سنوات تقريبًا ، أنا فخور بأن أقول إنني سعيد حقًا بجودة مقاطع الفيديو التي أنتجها لـ Amazon Prime و YouTube. أتمنى لو كنت قد تلقيت هذه الدورة عندما بدأت لأول مرة ، كان سيوفر لي سنوات من الألم والمعاناة! السبب وراء إنشاء هذه الدورة هو أنه يمكنك مشاهدة كتفي ومعرفة كيف أقوم بتحرير مقاطع الفيديو ... دون الحاجة إلى لغة وتعقيد غير ضروريين.
Adobe Premiere Pro: Ultimate Beginner Course Site
Learn how to edit amazing videos in Adobe Premiere Pro with zero experience.
What you’ll learn
Adobe Premiere Pro: Ultimate Beginner Course Site
CC 2020 Updates!
How to edit and export your first high-quality video for YouTube or Amazon Prime
How to organize footage into folders from a GoPro, Drone, and Smartphone
Apply simple color correction and grading techniques to your videos
Make visually engaging videos using speed ramping and slow-motion techniques
Add high-quality copyright-free background music to your videos
Incorporate stunning motion graphics and text without any technical knowledge
Read and agree to the Terms of Service (see website)
This course is taught using Adobe Premiere Pro CC (Creative Cloud). You can still do this course if you are using a previous version of Premiere Pro
I know the feeling! For the first few months, I battled the same problems you have and I felt like I’d never figure it out. Premiere Pro seemed so complicated and the learning curve was painful.
As a self-taught video editor and almost 4 years later, I am proud to say that I am truly happy with the quality of the videos I am producing for Amazon Prime and YouTube. I wish I had this course when I first started, it would have saved me years of pain and suffering!
The reason I created this course is so you can watch over my shoulder and see exactly how I edit videos… without unnecessary jargon and complexity.
What makes me qualified to teach you
I’m a self-taught video editor and vlogger that started off like you! In June 2016, I had zero editing experience, no laptop, no students, no YouTube channel, and no presence on Amazon Prime. Fast forward to February 2020, I have;
Produced over 22 publications on Amazon Prime
Almost 700 videos on YouTube
Almost 10,000 YouTube subscribers with over 5+ million minutes watched
Over 100,000 students in my online video courses
Trust me, as I review my stats it sounds crazy to me too! I never expected in a million years to be in my current position with these achievements. I started with nothing… If I can do it, I am confident
that you can do it too.